Neck / Shoulder Radiculitis and Plexitis
In the disease picture the most characteristic sign is the pain, most often unilateral. This pain is typical of shoulder neuralgia, and it is not accompanied by loss of sensation and motor function. The pain appears suddenly, is localized in the area of the shoulder joint, shoulder and lower cervical vertebrae and spreads to the fingers /etc. shoulder-arm syndrome /. The head is usually fixed in a forced position. The pain is exacerbated by movement of the head or arm, which stretches the roots of the nerve trunks. It also occurs when there is pressure in the points around the spine and supraclavicular fossae.
When covering the disease process and the sympathetic trunk, the pain is paroxysmal, often spreading not only along the arm but also in the direction of the face and upper chest. The skin of the hand is moist and swollen. Another sign of the disease is hypoaesthesia – decreased sensitivity.
The treatment of cervical-shoulder radiculitis and plexitis is analogous to that of sciatica – painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. In some cases, corticosteroids are also used. In case of failure, surgical treatment is resorted to.